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Vision was formed in Jan, 2005. Upon their first show they had no band
name. They left it up to the crowd that night to pick it, and the name was
All members of the Band have played in Past CT local bands. This is the
strongest line up yet and we hope to be rocking your party soon.
We have full PA/equip with lights and smoke. For Booking Call 203.879.8606 and ask
for Steve.
Email us at skarprod@adelphia.net.
New Line up.
Mark Brundage (Drummer)
Marylynn Karpicki (Vocals/Percussion)
Tom Iwanicki (Bass)
Steven Karpicki (Guitars)
Mark Polzella (Agent)
We use Mackie full range Active PA with over 2500 watts of power. Stage gear
from Mesa Boogie, Crate, Pearl, Roland, AKG, Shure, Parker, Jackson,
Sennhiesser, Zildgian, Audix, Carvin, Sampson, and JBL